Reflections on a career in Additional Support Needs

For her entire career, ACT trustee Sandra has worked in Scotland supporting students with additional needs- what in England we call SEN. In this blog, she reflects on her journey, the challenges and joys of her role, and how she has seen her work as a calling to serve God and uplift these children.

I started teaching in 1984 and stopped paid work in 2018. When completing “teacher training” at College of Education, I was able to complete an option, then entitled “Remedial”. My first teaching position was teaching Religious Education and Remedial. I still remember a teenage pupil saying, “I’m away for my Remeed” (phonetic spelling?)

As I reflect on my teaching and working life, one of the things that strikes me is terminology. I have been employed as a remedial teacher, a special education teacher, a Learning Support teacher, (briefly the term) Additional Support Needs teacher, then as an Additional Support for Learning teacher.

The consistent factor throughout my professional life, in whatever context or job that I have held, is that I work with children and young people, regardless of ability. I want to see children and young people develop, flourish, be valued as we are all created in God’s image.

I have had the opportunity to work with colleagues in primary and within secondary subject departments and together we have supported children and young people to achieve, to attain and to succeed.

What does success look like? Working in a special school, I still remember the excitement when a teenager was able to make the choice of which drink that he wanted; he was able to choose, and he did choose.

I remember a teenager with medical needs and sorting out arrangements for SQA exams. The additional assessment arrangements were unusual but suited this pupil, giving independence as well as support. Well worth, the time and effort.

As a retired teacher, I can still support children and young people but in different contexts. I help with Easter Journey run by our local SU staff, and I still come home remarking to my husband about “that was hard work but…….” and then I sign up for the next project that is running locally.

Sometimes, I meet young people whom I have worked with and when they say to me “You helped me, I remember that ……” I have tried as a Christian and a teacher to walk the path that God has set for me. I may not have been able to change the world, but I have made a difference, and God will reveal all of this when we reach the new heaven and earth. I am thankful for what I have been able to do.

I have been privileged to work alongside children, families and professionals from schools and other agencies, including Third Sector and the underpinning factor is that we are called to value children, keep children safe and enable children to understand that they are loved by Father God; how that plays out in everyday working life is different for each of us. Jesus said “I have come that they may have life and have it to the full (John 10:10).

As teachers and others who work in school and other settings, we want to see our children have a good and full life.

Sandra Sutherland, ACT trustee and CVE Scotland trustee February 2025


Called to care: Christian teachers and looked after Children


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