Christian Ethos
What If Learning
A website for teachers who want their classrooms to be places with a Christian ethos, whatever the subject or age group being taught. It explores what teaching and learning might look like when rooted in Christian faith, hope and love.
Narnian Virtues
A character education curriculum project that uses The Chronicles of Narnia novels, by C. S. Lewis, in the school curricula. Universal virtues (such as wisdom, love, and gratitude) exemplified in the Narnia novels, offer common ethical ground to the schools of increasingly pluralistic societies.
Anti-bullying booklet
Life in all its fullness – A Christian perspective on dealing with bullying in schools
Created by Urban Saints (subscription needed). Thousands of engaging and adaptable biblical sessions, training articles and support resources.
Youth for Christ
Resources created by Youth for Christ.
Dernier Publishing
Dernier’s aim is to produce excellent, relevant stories for young people, written from a Christian worldview.
They believe that every child deserves the opportunity to read Christian books, so they can decide about faith for themselves!